Dear Ezra, Bubba, Boyo, Boyo Supreme, Ez.... You turn six months old this week. I can barely begin to process that thought. To celebrate your half birthday and commemorate how special you are to your Daddy and I, I am writing you a letter. And not just any letter; parts of your birth story, your growth, and my dreams for you. My sweet baby, how did this happen? HOW! I remember your birth like it was yesterday. Your Daddy finished up Sunday service on April 23 and headed to the hospital to start my induction process. Grandma Judy and Grandpa Bob dropped me off and helped me get situated in my room until Dad arrived. I was strapped in with every cord and iv possible. We had to monitor you and make sure you were doing well every step of the way. I had no idea what to expect so I asked questions. A LOT of questions. Clearly you were quite cozy inside and had no intention of coming out! I was so scared to have you because they told me roughly four days before you were estimated over...
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