Some days I just want nachos. And not just any nachos, but I prefer the super version with tons of cheese smothered in chicken and sour cream. Gahhh.....! My body can't handle dairy and I know I would be up all night doing God knows what. But gosh, some days I want them bad! Can you relate? Do you have a cheat meal you love, but struggle to plan your meals so you can stay on target with your wellness goals? If so, you're in good company. Most people talk about meal prepping likes its some sort of college biology course. But I am here to tell you it doesn't have to be that confusing! When I don't meal plan, I am more susceptible to those giant plates of nachos I was talking about. I am a huge proponent of planning ahead so I know EXACTLY what to expect and how to control my hunger pains (and mood swings too!). Can you see my Type A personality now? The good news is, it's not difficult to plan. In fact, it can be really simple and affordable. People ask me all the...
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