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Showing posts from November, 2018

November update: Pumpkin patches, wellness tips and my vegan pie recipe for holidays

I never understood No Shave November. Why does it only apply to men? What's the appeal of looking like a lumberjack for a month and carousing one's face.... or legs? Just asking for a friend. No, seriously though. Beyond extraordinarily hairy faces, November is a great month! It's socially acceptable to start playing Christmas music, bake a little more, stay home diffusing oils (okay, I do this 365 days a year), and cozying up with a good book near the fire. Can I get an amen? This month, our family seems to be all over the place. I work out of town five days a week, I am a small business owner , my husband is transitioning in his role at work, he started a band , and our son is talking. You read that right: Ezra is using big boy words! I can't. I just can't. That and potty training a 19 month old just about does it for me. To make the most of this moment, we decided to take a trip to a local pumpkin patch. A dear friend of ours captured the most wonderful s...