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Showing posts from February, 2018

What I Have Learned in Five Years of Marriage

This post is dedicated to my incredible husband, my best friend and partner for life. Thanks for always pointing me to Jesus and being the one who actually remembers to take the garbage out on Wednesdays. I love you.  Most people get married expecting the best. The promise of forever with their vows in hand can make the anticipated wedding day altogether a dream. And while marriage is full of excitement and optimism, the overwhelming amount of expectations we had for each other when we were first married five years ago (and still do, if I am totally honest) aren't always true. The unspoken assumptions of love, security and affection overshadowed the somewhat harsher realities of "marriage." And when the fairy tale promises we tell ourselves don't happen, we are met with confusion and anger.  Wait, this wasn't what you pictured? You're right it's harder, but so much better. Keep reading. You are in good company.  I am not here to tell you my...